Minecraft Lost Episode

Minecraft is an epic game filled with wonder and... well... epicness. Even though epicness isn't even a word, I will still use it, because I don't give a ****.
Minecraft was originally programmed by Harry, Notch's dead brother. Later when he died on a plane trip Notch took credit for Harry's game and programmed Harry into Minecraft, saying he's a glitch and he's named Herobrine.
Has SOMEGUY123's pastas ever been deleted? What I mean is that has one of his pastas ever been deleted? Well, rumors began spreading around town that SOMEGUY123 made a pasta about this Minecraft television show. Of course, everyone just thought it was a bunch of ape ****, but then one night I found myself watching the intro to the Minecraft show. Yep. The show had been real. SOMEGUY didn't lie... well, he never lies...
But what made things odd is that this didn't seem child-apropiate. The episode begins with Steve masturbating on his bed. I covered my eyes, it was gross. Then it showed Steve outside, setting fire to some animals. Then a creeper arrived and hissed warningly at Steve.
What did he do? Steve then took out his trademark pick-axe, kissed it gently, rubbed its shiny stainless steel blade, and then plunged it into the creeper’s thin neck. I screamed “YES!” as Steve began laughing hysterically, maniacally. I started jerking rhythmically along with Steve’s feverishly furious hacks at the Creeper’s neck.
Finally, Steve had successfully detached the dead creeper’s head and he pulled the decaying tongue out with one pixelated hand, then pulled his blue pixelated pants down revealing a hairy, veiny, flaccid penis. I covered my eyes even more, if possible. Steve took a dead creeper body, took the creeper's dead, He rubbed the dead creeper’s rotting, dead tongue against his penis slowly, and started gasping and moaning. I gasped and moaned too. . then Steve ejaculated into the Creeper's mouth. He smiled lustfully and belched loudly. Then a title card popped up reading "THE END."
I crawled out from behind my Family Guy plush and looked at the Television screen. Pure static. There were fapping noises and soon commercials advertising condoms. I looked at the doorway to see my parents, scowling at me. Then they grounded me for three months.
Curiosity killed the cat. 